Restoring smiles is what we do. For high-quality dental implants from a trusted local dental team, call Rock Road Dental today!
Do you live with tooth loss? Call the dental implant specialists at Rock Road Dental. Our compassionate team is passionate about restoring smiles using the latest implant dentistry treatment techniques. We will work with you to create an individualized treatment plan specifically designed to give you back your smile.
The total costs of your dental implants will depend on your care needs and overall treatment goals. At Rock Road Dentistry, we provide quality implant dentistry services at prices that fit your budget and lifestyle. Be sure to ask about our flexible financing and easy payment options during your consultation.
Depending on your condition and overall treatment needs, we may recommend one of the following implants:
By far the most popular type of implant, it is highly effective because it is the same size and shape of a patient's natural tooth. This implant is often as strong as the patient's original tooth. The implant or artificial root is placed into the jawbone under local anesthesia, then allowed to heal and integrate with the bone. Once the healing process is completed, and the jawbone is attached to the implant, the patient returns to the dental office where the implant is fitted with the new tooth. This process generally takes anywhere from three to eight months.
This implant is needed in situations where inadequate bone remains or in situations where dentures need to be stabilized. It is smaller than the full-size root implant; however, it can be an excellent solution for the right patient. Mini dental implants are great for denture stabilization. Placement is typically less invasive and can offer immediate stability to full or partial dentures.
For patients considering an implant-supported denture, we recommend All-on-4 implants. We place four implants to provide a stable and permanent base for your full-arch denture. All-on-4 implants can be placed on the upper or lower jaw to anchor your denture and fully restore your smile.
Are you ready to smile with confidence? Schedule an implant consultation at (316) 202-2293. Be sure to ask about our convenient extended hours and scheduling options.